We provide the only safe house for trafficked minors in Illinois

There are approximately 500 beds available to minors who are victims of sex trafficking in the United States. In Illinois, Reclaim13 currently provides all of them. In fact, Reclaim13 has the only safe house for trafficked minors in Illinois and is one of just a few in the nation providing safe homes for children as young as 10 years old.
Cherish House is a safe house for trafficked children ages 10-17, providing a secure place where girls are no longer burdened by fear and where they can start to focus on what lies ahead rather than what’s in the past.
Cherish House is one of the only safe options where children can be placed on a 24-hour basis. There is an enormous need for housing victims of child sex trafficking. We work closely with law enforcement and other agencies to care for girls, but the need is still enormous.
As a long-term, trauma informed, residential treatment facility, the house provides physical safety and a loving environment where girls are supported by experienced staff as they gain the skills they need to live a life beyond exploitation. The girls are mentored, learn life skills, and are given educational opportunities that help them shape new lives for themselves.
A Restorative Care Residential Program
At Courage House, we are more than just a transitional living program—we are a restorative living program. While transitional housing focuses on temporary support to help individuals move toward permanent housing, our restorative care approach prioritizes personal growth and long-term stability. We take a holistic view, aiming to maximize and maintain each person’s level of function, independence, and skills.
By addressing the unique barriers individuals face, we create personalized pathways to success. Growth at Courage House is not just about connecting individuals to resources; it’s about fostering resilience, empowerment, and meaningful transformation through ongoing support and care.
Our years of experience working with trafficked youth have shown us that milestones achieved often regress without extensive ongoing support once children become adults. Young adults (18-25) who have experienced the trauma of sexual exploitation as children are statistically more likely to struggle with homelessness, completing education, joblessness and reduced lifetime earning potential (less than half), early pregnancy and even involvement in the criminal justice system.
Unfortunately, there is a shortage of transitional programs for young adults and the existing programs lack the needed structure and support for young adults who have been sexually exploited or trafficked as children.
Courage House is the answer to that need.
Reclaim13’s Young Adult program (Courage House) is a trauma-informed, therapeutic program that addresses the specialized needs of sexually exploited children transitioning into young adulthood. Courage House includes trauma-informed individual and group therapies, vocational and life skills development, and opportunities for continuing educational pursuits. The living environment allows young adults to maintain their own living space, while healing in community with others in a structured environment. These surroundings facilitate their next steps in development and help them to further reclaim their paths of hope and healing.
How Can You Help?
Help us make Courage House a permanent home!
• Property Donation (We are currently renting, but ultimately would like a permanent location)
• Stock Donation
• IRA Minimum Distribution
• One Time Gift (help meet continuing start-up needs for this program)
• Monthly Partner (provide sustainable support)
Contact us at if you have questions or would like more information on our Residential Programs