Child and Family Program

All children deserve to grow up feeling safe and loved

 When a child is traumatized, this sense of safety and love is broken and the whole family is affected.

Reclaim13’s Child and Family Program walks alongside children, and their families, who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse, exploitation, or trafficking to help them reclaim their childhood. 

The traumatic consequences of child abuse and exploitation affect not only the victims, but also their families and loved ones. When a child’s support system is upended, the wounding may be deep and complex. But it doesn’t need to stay that way. The responses of family and loved ones influence how an abused child will heal and recover — strengthening families strengthens healing.

The goal of the Child and Family Program is to end the cycle of sexual abuse and exploitation through long-term support and meaningful connection. Children who have experienced sexual trauma, and their families, are paired with specialized services in order to enhance healing, build resilience, and prevent re-victimization.

If you, your child, or someone in your family has been traumatized by child sexual abuse or exploitation, we are here to help support you and your family as you navigate the healing journey and take steps forward in reclaiming your lives. We are always here to help. Reach out to us with the “Contact Us” button below to learn more about the Child and Family Program or call us at 630.209.4554.